The Ultimate Guide to Selling Notion Templates: Platforms & Strategies

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Notion Templates: Platforms & Strategies

💵Turning Notion Templates into Cash: Your Complete Selling Guide

In recent years, Notion has exploded in popularity as an all-in-one workspace for note-taking, project management, and more. With its flexible platform, users can create custom templates to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. For creators, this presents a unique opportunity to design and sell Notion templates to a rapidly growing audience. If you're interested in monetizing your Notion expertise, you're in the right place. This guide will walk you through where you can sell Notion templates and offer strategies to maximize your success.

Platforms for Selling Notion Templates

1. Notion's Official Template Gallery

Starting with the official channel, Notion itself offers a template gallery where creators can submit their templates for approval. If accepted, your templates will be available to millions of Notion users globally. While you can't directly sell templates through Notion's gallery, having your work featured here can significantly boost your visibility and lead to indirect sales through other channels.

Notion's Official Template Gallery is the premier showcase for templates created by the community. It serves as a hub where Notion users worldwide can discover, use, and get inspired by a wide range of templates, spanning everything from project management and productivity to personal journals and habit trackers. For template creators, being featured in this gallery is not just an honor; it's a golden opportunity to gain visibility among millions of Notion users. Although direct sales are not facilitated through the gallery, the exposure can significantly enhance a creator's profile, leading to numerous opportunities for monetization elsewhere.


How to Get Your Templates Featured

Understand the Criteria

Notion looks for high-quality, universally applicable templates that can benefit a broad spectrum of users. Your template should be well-organized, aesthetically pleasing, and, most importantly, useful. It should solve a specific problem or cater to a particular need within the Notion community. Before submission, ensure your template is polished, free from personal information, and fully functional.

Prepare Your Submission

To submit your template for consideration, you first need to create a shareable link within Notion. Then, visit the official submission page on Notion's website. You'll need to provide some basic information about your template, including its name, a brief description, and why you think it's a valuable addition to the gallery. Make sure your submission clearly articulates the benefits of your template and how it stands out from existing offerings.

Await Approval

After submission, your template will undergo a review process by the Notion team. This process can take some time, depending on the volume of submissions. If your template is selected, Notion will notify you and add your template to the gallery. If not, don't be discouraged. Use the feedback (if provided) to improve your template and consider resubmitting it in the future or exploring other channels for promotion.

Maximizing Exposure in the Gallery

Optimize Your Template's Presentation

Once your template is featured in the gallery, it's crucial to ensure it's presented in the best possible light. This means having a clear, descriptive title and a comprehensive description that highlights its features and benefits. Use engaging visuals or screenshots to give potential users a preview of what to expect. The better your template looks and the more effectively it communicates its value, the more likely it is to be used and recommended.

Engage with the Community

Participation in the Notion community can significantly amplify the visibility of your templates. Engage in forums, social media groups, and other spaces where Notion users congregate. Share your expertise, answer questions, and, where appropriate, reference your templates in the gallery. This not only helps in building your reputation as a knowledgeable Notion user but also directs traffic to your templates.

Monitor Feedback and Iterate

Pay attention to how your template is received by the community. Notion users often leave comments or suggestions on templates they use. This feedback is valuable for iterative improvement. Regular updates based on user feedback can enhance the utility and user-friendliness of your templates, encouraging more users to try them and recommend them to others.

Being featured in Notion's Official Template Gallery can serve as a powerful springboard for any template creator. It provides unparalleled exposure and can be a significant first step in building a reputation within the Notion ecosystem. Remember, success in the gallery is not just about getting your template featured; it's about continuously engaging with the community, iterating based on feedback, and leveraging the visibility to grow your presence across multiple channels. With dedication and creativity, the gallery can be the gateway to broader opportunities for selling and distributing your Notion templates.

2. Gumroad

Gumroad is a popular platform for selling digital products, including Notion templates. It's user-friendly, offering straightforward tools to set up your shop, manage products, and track sales. You can set your price, offer discounts, and even launch membership plans. Gumroad handles payments and delivery, making it a hassle-free option for creators.

In the digital age, creators and entrepreneurs are constantly on the lookout for platforms that simplify the process of selling their products online. Gumroad emerges as a standout choice, especially for those looking to sell digital products like Notion templates. Renowned for its user-friendly interface, Gumroad is designed to remove the complexities associated with online sales, allowing creators to focus on what they do best: creating.

Setting Up Your Gumroad Store

Create Your Account

Getting started on Gumroad is as simple as signing up for an account. With a few clicks, you can set up your profile, branding your store with custom images and a bio that reflects your personality or brand ethos. This personal touch is crucial for building trust and rapport with your potential customers.

List Your Notion Templates

Listing your Notion templates on Gumroad is a straightforward process. You can create individual product pages for each template, where you can add detailed descriptions, images, and videos to showcase the features and benefits of your templates. This is your chance to convince potential buyers of the value your templates can bring to their Notion experience.

Pricing and Promotions

Flexible Pricing Options

One of the advantages of using Gumroad is the flexibility it offers in pricing your products. You can set a fixed price for your templates or opt for a "pay what you want" model, which can attract a broader range of customers. Additionally, Gumroad allows you to set up discount codes, which can be an effective tool for promotional campaigns or rewarding loyal customers.

Membership Plans

For creators who regularly produce new Notion templates or related content, Gumroad's membership plan feature offers an excellent way to generate recurring revenue. You can offer subscribers exclusive access to your latest templates, updates to existing ones, or even personalized support, all of which add tremendous value to your offerings.

Handling Payments and Delivery

Seamless Transactions

Gumroad simplifies the payment process by handling all aspects of transactions, from secure payment processing to delivering the product to the customer. Once a buyer purchases your template, they'll receive an instant download link, ensuring they can start using your template right away. This seamless experience is beneficial for both creators and customers, minimizing hurdles and maximizing satisfaction.

Analytics and Insights

Understanding your sales and customer behavior is crucial for growing your business. Gumroad provides detailed analytics and insights, allowing you to track sales, monitor customer engagement, and identify trends. These insights can inform your marketing strategies, product development, and customer service efforts, driving further success on the platform.

Gumroad stands out as a powerful platform for selling Notion templates, offering simplicity, flexibility, and control to creators. By removing the technical barriers associated with online sales, Gumroad enables you to focus on creating high-quality templates and growing your audience. With its user-friendly setup, flexible pricing options, and robust support for creators, Gumroad is an ideal marketplace for anyone looking to monetize their Notion expertise. Whether you're a seasoned template designer or just starting out, Gumroad provides the tools you need to succeed in the digital marketplace.


3. Etsy

Etsy might be known for handmade goods, but it's also a fantastic platform for digital products like Notion templates. Setting up an Etsy shop can expose your templates to a large, engaged audience interested in productivity tools. Etsy's built-in review system can help build your reputation as a quality template creator.

Etsy has long been celebrated as a global marketplace for handmade and vintage items, but its appeal doesn't stop there. In recent years, it has also become a vibrant platform for digital products, including Notion templates. For creators looking to tap into an audience that values creativity and custom solutions, Etsy provides an ideal setting. With its vast user base interested in personal productivity and organization, Etsy can serve as a powerful conduit for reaching customers eager to enhance their Notion experience.

Establishing Your Etsy Shop

Kickstarting Your Journey

Setting up an Etsy shop is the first step towards selling your Notion templates on the platform. The process is user-friendly, guiding you through creating your shop name, branding, and listing your templates. A key aspect of Etsy is its community-oriented nature, which means that how you present your shop and interact with customers can significantly impact your success.

Crafting Compelling Listings

For each Notion template you wish to sell, you'll create a detailed listing. This includes providing a descriptive title, a comprehensive description that highlights the benefits and features of your template, and using high-quality images or screenshots that showcase the template in action. The goal is to communicate the value your template provides to potential buyers clearly.

Pricing and Reviews

Competitive Pricing Strategies

Pricing your templates competitively is crucial on Etsy, given the wide range of digital products available. Research similar products to gauge the market rate and consider your template's uniqueness and value to set an appropriate price. Etsy also allows for sales and coupons, which can be strategic tools for promotions and attracting buyers.

Leveraging the Review System

One of Etsy's strengths is its built-in review system, which plays a pivotal role in building your reputation on the platform. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, as these can significantly influence potential buyers' decisions. High ratings and positive feedback enhance your credibility and can make your shop stand out in Etsy's crowded marketplace.

Marketing Your Etsy Shop

Utilizing Etsy SEO

To maximize your shop's visibility, it's essential to understand and utilize Etsy's search engine optimization (SEO) features. This includes using relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions, ensuring your templates are easily discoverable by those searching for Notion tools and productivity solutions.

Engaging with the Etsy Community

Etsy's community features, such as forums and teams, offer valuable opportunities for promotion and networking. Participating in discussions related to productivity, Notion, or digital products can help direct traffic to your shop. Collaboration with other sellers can also lead to cross-promotion, expanding your reach within the Etsy ecosystem.

Etsy offers a unique platform for selling Notion templates, blending the appeal of a creative marketplace with the growing demand for digital productivity tools. By setting up a well-branded shop, creating detailed and attractive listings, and engaging with the Etsy community, you can unlock significant opportunities to showcase and sell your Notion templates. Leveraging the platform's review system and SEO capabilities will further enhance your visibility and credibility, helping you build a successful Etsy shop that resonates with a broad audience of Notion enthusiasts.

4. Creative Market

Creative Market is a marketplace for design assets, including fonts, graphics, and yes, Notion templates. It caters to a professional audience, making it an excellent place to sell more sophisticated or niche templates. Creative Market offers a straightforward commission system and provides promotional tools to help you reach potential customers.

Creative Market stands out as a digital marketplace specifically designed for creative assets. From fonts and graphics to unique Notion templates, it serves as a treasure trove for professionals seeking to elevate their work with high-quality, ready-to-use resources. For creators of Notion templates, Creative Market offers a platform that not only appreciates the craftsmanship behind digital products but also connects them with a discerning audience looking for tools that can enhance their productivity and creativity.

Setting Up Shop on Creative Market

Launching Your Presence

The journey to selling on Creative Market begins with setting up your shop. This process involves creating a seller profile that highlights your expertise and the unique value of your Notion templates. Creative Market emphasizes the quality and originality of the products offered on its platform, so it's important to ensure that your templates meet the high standards expected by its community.

Listing Your Templates with Precision

Each Notion template you list on Creative Market requires careful consideration. High-quality preview images, detailed descriptions, and clear, concise titles are crucial. Your listings should not only showcase the aesthetic appeal of your templates but also demonstrate their practicality and functionality. It's about striking a balance between form and function, appealing to the professional clientele that frequents Creative Market.

Pricing and Earnings

Fair Pricing Strategies

Creative Market allows you to set your own prices for your Notion templates, giving you the flexibility to reflect the value and effort you've put into each product. When pricing your templates, consider factors such as uniqueness, complexity, and potential impact on a user's workflow. It's also beneficial to research comparable products on the platform to ensure your prices are competitive.

Commission System

Creative Market operates on a straightforward commission system, taking a percentage of each sale. This system is designed to support creators by providing a wide array of tools and features, including promotional tools, detailed analytics, and customer engagement capabilities. Understanding the commission structure is key to setting your prices and estimating your potential earnings.

Marketing and Promotion

Leveraging Creative Market's Tools

Creative Market offers a suite of promotional tools to help you increase the visibility of your Notion templates. These include featured listings, participation in site-wide sales, and the opportunity to be highlighted in Creative Market's marketing channels, such as their blog, email newsletters, and social media platforms.

Building Your Brand

Developing a strong brand presence on Creative Market can significantly impact your success. This involves consistent styling across your product listings, engaging directly with customers through comments and messages, and collecting and showcasing positive reviews. A strong brand helps build trust with potential buyers and establishes your templates as must-have tools for professionals.

Creative Market provides a specialized platform for selling Notion templates, particularly those aimed at a professional audience. Its focus on quality, coupled with a supportive commission structure and robust promotional tools, makes it an excellent choice for creators looking to reach a wider, more discerning audience. By focusing on creating sophisticated or niche templates, pricing them appropriately, and actively engaging with the Creative Market community, you can establish a successful presence that caters to the needs of professionals across various industries. Whether you're an experienced designer or a new creator stepping into the world of digital products, Creative Market offers a promising avenue to showcase your work and connect with customers who value quality and creativity.


5. Your Own Website

Creating a dedicated website or a landing page for your Notion templates can be the most direct way to control your sales process. You can use platforms like Shopify, Squarespace, or WordPress with WooCommerce to set up an online store. This approach gives you full control over branding, marketing, and customer relationships, though it requires more effort in terms of setup and driving traffic.

In the digital marketplace, establishing a direct line of communication and sales with your audience can offer unparalleled advantages. Creating a dedicated website or landing page for your Notion templates not only sets the stage for complete control over your sales process but also enables a deeper connection with your customers. By leveraging platforms such as Shopify, Squarespace, or WordPress with WooCommerce, you can build a tailored online store that reflects your unique brand and caters specifically to your target audience's needs.

Setting Up Your Online Store

Choosing the Right Platform

The first step in establishing your website is selecting the right platform that aligns with your needs and technical proficiency. Shopify provides a user-friendly, all-in-one commerce platform ideal for those looking for a straightforward setup with robust e-commerce features. Squarespace offers beautifully designed templates and a drag-and-drop builder, making it perfect for creators prioritizing design and simplicity. WordPress, with its WooCommerce plugin, is best suited for those seeking flexibility and control, allowing for a highly customizable store with a bit of technical know-how.

Designing Your Site

Once you've chosen your platform, the next step is to design your site. Focus on creating a clean, user-friendly interface that showcases your Notion templates. High-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and clear navigation are essential. Your website should not only function as a storefront but also as a portfolio that highlights the quality and versatility of your templates.

Pricing and Payments

Setting Your Prices

Having complete control over your website allows you to experiment with pricing strategies to find what works best for your audience and your business. You can easily adjust your prices, offer bundle deals, or set up discount codes to incentivize purchases.

Integrating Payment Solutions

E-commerce platforms like Shopify, Squarespace, and WooCommerce support a wide range of payment solutions, from credit cards to digital wallets. Ensuring a secure and seamless checkout process is crucial for customer satisfaction and can significantly impact your conversion rates.

Marketing and Customer Engagement

Driving Traffic to Your Site

Unlike marketplace platforms where users are readily browsing, driving traffic to your own website requires a proactive approach. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your site's visibility in search results. Content marketing, through blogging or creating helpful resources about Notion and productivity, can attract visitors organically. Additionally, social media marketing and paid advertising can be effective in building your audience.

Building Customer Relationships

One of the greatest benefits of selling on your own website is the opportunity to build direct relationships with your customers. Implement email marketing strategies to keep your audience engaged, offering exclusive content, updates, and discounts. Use analytics tools to understand customer behavior on your site and tailor your offerings accordingly.

Creating a dedicated website for selling Notion templates offers a level of freedom and control unmatched by other platforms. It allows you to present your products in the best light, directly engage with customers, and build a brand that stands out in the competitive digital marketplace. While it may require more upfront effort in terms of setup and marketing, the potential rewards in brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and profitability make it a worthy endeavor for any serious Notion template creator. By strategically leveraging the right e-commerce platform, optimizing your site for search engines, and engaging with your audience through meaningful content and offers, you can create a successful online store that grows with your business.


Strategies for Success

Build a Portfolio

Create a diverse range of templates to showcase your skills and attract a broad audience. Include screenshots and detailed descriptions for each template, highlighting its features and benefits.

A diverse and comprehensive portfolio is the foundation of your success. It should showcase a range of templates that cater to different needs and preferences. Each template must be carefully designed, with attention to detail and a focus on solving specific problems for your users. High-quality screenshots and thorough descriptions highlight the features and benefits of your templates, making them more appealing to potential buyers.

Optimize for SEO

Whether selling through a marketplace or your website, optimize your listings for search engines. Use relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions to improve visibility.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for increasing the visibility of your templates. By integrating relevant keywords into your product titles, descriptions, and even your website's content, you make it easier for potential customers to find your offerings. Research keywords that are commonly searched for within your niche and strategically incorporate them to boost your rankings in search results.

Leverage Social Media

Use platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote your templates. Join Notion-focused groups or forums to share your work, gather feedback, and engage with potential customers.

Social media platforms are powerful tools for promotion and engagement. Platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram allow you to showcase your templates, share updates, and connect with a broader audience. Joining Notion-focused groups or forums can also be beneficial for sharing your work, gathering feedback, and engaging with potential customers. Regular posts and active participation can significantly increase your templates' exposure.

Offer Free Samples

Consider offering a free template or a limited version of a premium template to attract users. This can be an effective way to build your email list and showcase the quality of your work.

Providing free samples or a limited version of a premium template can entice users to try out your product. This strategy not only showcases the quality of your work but also helps in building your email list—a valuable asset for any digital creator. Free samples can lead to word-of-mouth promotion, driving more traffic to your paid offerings.

Collect Testimonials and Reviews

Positive feedback from satisfied customers can be incredibly persuasive. Showcase testimonials and reviews prominently on your sales page or listing to build trust with potential buyers.

Testimonials and reviews are powerful endorsements of your templates' quality and effectiveness. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback and prominently display these testimonials on your sales page or listings. Positive reviews build trust with potential buyers and can significantly influence their purchasing decisions.

Update and Refresh Your Templates

Notion is constantly evolving, and so should your templates. Keep them updated and introduce new ones regularly to keep your audience engaged and attract new customers.

The digital landscape, especially platforms like Notion, is constantly evolving. To remain relevant and keep your audience engaged, it's essential to regularly update your templates and introduce new ones. This not only shows your commitment to quality but also helps in attracting new customers looking for the latest and most efficient solutions.

Educate Your Audience

Create content that educates potential customers on how to use Notion effectively, highlighting how your templates can solve their specific problems. Blog posts, tutorials, and video guides can add value and drive sales.

Educational content can add immense value to your offerings. By creating blog posts, tutorials, and video guides on how to use Notion effectively, you position yourself as an authority in the space. Highlight how your templates address specific problems or enhance productivity, driving home the value proposition of your products. Such content not only attracts potential customers but also helps in retaining them by ensuring they get the most out of their purchases.



Selling Notion templates can be a lucrative venture for those willing to invest the time in creating high-quality, useful templates for the growing Notion community. By choosing the right platforms and employing effective strategies, you can build a successful business around your Notion expertise. Remember, success in this space is not just about the templates you create but also how you market them and engage with your community. Be patient, consistent, and always look for ways to add value to your customers' experience. With dedication and creativity, you can establish yourself as a go-to source for top-notch Notion templates. Good luck!

The journey to becoming a successful seller of Notion templates is both exciting and challenging. As Notion continues to grow in popularity, the demand for innovative and effective templates is on the rise. This burgeoning market presents a unique opportunity for creators to turn their expertise and creativity into a profitable business. However, success in this venture goes beyond just crafting quality templates; it requires strategic thinking, marketing savvy, and a commitment to community engagement.

The Key to Success

The key to thriving in the world of Notion templates lies in understanding your audience and continuously adapting to their needs. By choosing the right platforms—whether it be Notion's Official Template Gallery, Gumroad, Etsy, Creative Market, or your own website—you can reach a diverse and engaged audience. Each platform offers unique advantages, and selecting the right one depends on your goals, the nature of your templates, and where your potential customers are most active.

Equally important are the strategies you employ to promote your templates and engage with your audience. Building a comprehensive portfolio, optimizing for SEO, leveraging social media, offering free samples, collecting testimonials, regularly updating your templates, and educating your audience are all critical components of a successful sales strategy. These efforts help to build your reputation as a credible source of high-quality Notion templates and foster a loyal customer base.

Patience and Consistency

Success in selling Notion templates doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to learn and adapt. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying abreast of the latest trends and feedback from your customers can help you refine your offerings and marketing strategies. Listening to your audience and being responsive to their needs will not only improve your products but also strengthen your relationship with your community.

Adding Value to the Customer Experience

At the heart of a successful Notion template business is the value you provide to your customers. This means creating templates that genuinely improve their workflow, productivity, or personal organization. It also means providing excellent customer service, engaging with your audience in meaningful ways, and continually looking for opportunities to exceed their expectations.

Selling Notion templates can be a rewarding venture for those who are passionate about helping others achieve their goals through better organization and productivity. By investing the time to create high-quality, useful templates and employing smart marketing and engagement strategies, you can carve out a niche for yourself in the growing Notion community. With dedication, creativity, and a customer-centric approach, you can establish yourself as a go-to source for top-notch Notion templates. Here's to your success in this exciting and dynamic field!

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